A Plastic Lawn Bunny In Baseball, Why Not?

The Story Behind the Bunny

"What are you doing with that Bunny", I said to my wife. She said, "I am throwing it away, it just sits in the backyard." "No, don't do that," I exclaimed, "I'll use it for baseball." "For baseball?" she questioned with a strange look on her face, "how are you going to use it for baseball?"

Ever since I can remember, I have always loved the game of baseball. As a kid that is just about all I ever did, from playing a game called All Star Baseball, to playing baseball with a league daily all through the summer. I looked forward so much to summer because school was out and I could play baseball every day. As long as the weather was good the routine was just about the same every day, wake up in the morning, eat breakfast, go play baseball, come home for lunch, go play baseball, come home for dinner, go play baseball until dark. There were so many kids in our neighborhood it was very easy to get a game going at any time. However, as I grew older it became harder and harder to get enough guys together to have a game.

Over the last 25 years I have been playing pick up softball games on Sunday mornings. We usually have 6 to 8 players which means we need to close part of the outfield and infield. The section of the outfield that is closed is marked by orange cones. As for the infield we set a cone at about the shortstop position. A ball that is hit between 3rd base and the cone is fair.

Right about now you are probably wondering what my response was to my wife when she questioned how I was going to use the bunny for baseball. "Well", I said, "Currently we use a cone to mark off the infield at the shortstop position. I thought that with the group of guys that play it might be fun to use the Bunny instead of the cone." Thus the Bunny became part of our softball equipment. He appeared every week and took his position. At his position he has been kicked, hit by ground balls, line drives, and has been blown over by the wind. Once or twice he has even received CPR after taking a vicious hit. He has also lived weekly in the baseball bag with gloves, balls, bases, cones, cleats, a pitching rubber and a scoreboard. He has also been a conversational piece to  new comers to our game.

After some years I thought it would be fun to paint the Bunny.  I painted it a few times.  It was then suggested that I should make a bunny calendar.  So I began painting the bunny in 12 different schemes trying to create pictures that related to the month they would be used for.  We finished the calendar and released it in 2007.