FireKards is a family owned company made up by my immediate family. FireKards started in 2005 after we sold 200 Mother’s Day cards. The design of the cards came from a painting I did of a Greek church (picture on right). The cards were being purchased to distribute in Greece for their Mother’s Day. The name FireKards was created from the sale of the cards. We combined our last name Firek with the word cards dropping off the c.
Our goal at FireKards is to create unique products. Products that are imaginative, fun, and enjoyable by everyone. Our first project was the creation of a Bunny Calendar, a calendar featuring 12 pictures of a plastic bunny that is painted in 12 different schemes, one for each month of the year. Our next project was to make a full length Sock Monkey movie which we just completed. It features 3 Sock monkeys and a few more stuffed animals. While making the movie we had to learn how to record our own music using computer software. While learning how to write and record the music we created 2 music CD's, Exploration, and Creations. Each CD has 12 songs. To see more information on the Bunny Calendar, Sock Monkey movie, or Music CD's please click on the appropriate links.